Fund Your New Rydables Franchise
Funding your new Rydables franchise has become easier with LENDZEE.
Our franchise funding consultants, will provide you a FREE funding evaluation to help guide you on the right types of lending solutions that fit your specific needs. Our diverse lender network and AI technology gives you the advantage of data to procure the best rates and terms vs consumer direct applications.
Get pre-approved today. A pre-approval will NOT impact your credit scores.
Financing Options
Unsecured Term Loans
No collateral
No down payment
3-10 year terms
Close in as little as 7-14 business days
Up to 90% LTV
10-30 year terms
No appraisal needed in most cases
Close in 5-7 business days
Collateral may or may not be required
0-10% down payment
Must show liquidity
10 year terms
Closes in 1-3 months
ROBS: Retirement
Self Funded
Includes set up of corporation
Plan administration
Non taxable rollover
Closes in as little as 30 days
Rydables are a "Four Generation" product with huge appeal across ALL ages & demographics. Rydables are used in a variety of settings and applications where the only limits become "imagination and creativity."
They are incredibly safe, easy to use, and create smiles & memories every time...we simply call it, 'the Rydables magic!'
Contact Us
With the Rydables being an interactive & immersive form of FUNctional entertainment, exciting franchise opportunities abound. If you're interested in a business that's fun, rewarding, and has serious income-generating abilities, we want to hear from you! Join the Rydables family and experience 'the magic' for yourself!